Friday, August 26, 2011

Anti apk App Android

Anti apk App Android
Requirement: Android
A Security researcher just unveiled an app called Anti, or Android Network Toolkit at Defcon hacker conference in Las Vegas Friday and plans to make available to Android in coming days. The app is designed to bring easy hacking on the go which brings all the hacking tools available to penetration testers on PCs to smartphones, with an automated interface intended to make sniffing local networks and owning remote servers as simple as pushing a few buttons. The new app runs on an Android smartphone and offers several automated tools to carry out hacking tasks on wireless networks that aren’t secure. The tool will find the unsecure networks, locate systems on the network, and then find those systems that are running out of date software and are vulnerable to attack. Once the systems that are vulnerable are located, the app lets the user hit an icon for making an attack like man-in-the-middle and other attacks. The designer of the app is Itzhak Avraham, the founder of an Israeli security firm called Zimperium. The terms and conditions will say the app is for white hat vulnerability location only not for nefarious attacks. This appliance android arrangement toolkit is a apparatus that scans the Wi-Fi arrangement accessible and mendisplai targets that abide in the network. This appliance allows a being ‘playing’ with the Android arrangement to others. Such accessories are aswell spying on others, even added humans able to accomplish accessories remotely.

Download Anti apk App for your Android Mobile Smartphone.

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