Friday, May 20, 2011

Best Love Ep 6 Korean Drama

The Greatest Love Episode 6/Best Love Ep 6 Korean Drama. Recap/Summary/Synopsis :

Jin follows Ae-jung out of the cinema, spotting her outside. After momentarily stopping, conscious of drawing attention to himself, he chases her down. Using the words she’d used (how she’s afraid she would ask him to catch her), he says, “I’ve caught you — now what are you going to do? Will you let yourself be caught, or will you run away?” He warns her that because he’ll feel ashamed, he won’t try this again.

She panics at the thought of being seen, and tells him to let go. Instead, Jin grabs her closer, hiding her face by holding it to his chest. Yeah, that’s much less conspicuous. He tells her to follow quietly: “You’ve been caught.”

Se-ri finds Jin’s abandoned snacks, which is proof that Jin was at the VIP theater with someone. She demands information from Jae-seok, who nervously keeps his mouth shut while she wails at the prospect of the other woman being more famous than her. Oh, princess.

Pil-joo and the producers try to make sense of the pieces, guessing that all the breakup rumors were true, and the couple was just covering it up. Yet this scenario means that if news of Jin’s new girlfriend breaks before the breakup is made official, the new woman will automatically be tarred with the “cheater” label, however unfair and inaccurate it may be. That doesn’t sit well with Pil-joo, who knows (or at least guesses) the truth.

Jin has taken Ae-jung to a wine bar and assures her that nobody will recognize her here. He can’t resist a dig, saying that things might be different if she were Shin Mina or Han Ye-seul — two previous Hong sisters leads, heh.

Ae-jung asks if it was SO difficult for him to handle liking her, and he replies, “I’ve never liked anybody other than myself. That it would have to be you was shameful.” She says pointedly, “That must’ve been painful, to have felt such shame and then been rejected.”

He says he expected her to accept eagerly, which would’ve enabled him to put the kibosh on this. The metaphor he uses is “biting” — as in, he thought she’d consider this a stroke of unexpected fortune (analogy = find a piece of rice cake) and take a bite immediately. That “bite” would’ve woken him up in pain, and that would’ve been the end of that.

As usual, he doesn’t realize how insulting he’s been until he sees Ae-jung’s expression, and his backpedaling is too little, too late. She retorts that this makes her his first love — and that she’ll guarantee that his first love will forever be one-sided! Hmph!

With that, she storms out, and he chases her to take his words back. He admits that the situation called for him to take her out to buy a designer gown and dress her lavishly before bringing her to a place like this, which is a step he’d skipped. “Let’s do that and come back here.” Sure, that might work…if life had an undo button. (Don’t I wish!)

She offers to enact the original scenario he’d wanted — to accept his overture, jolt him awake, and poof! Problem solved.

He goads her to do it, then. She replies, “Dokko Jin, you sure look easy. Wanna sleep with me?”

What? I repeat, WHAT?!

He’s stunned speechless, and she checks, “That woke you up, right? I’ll be off now.” But…what if he said yes? WHAT IF HE SAID YES?!

Jin does a post-mortem of the date that night, groaning that he was cool when he “caught” her — “But I shouldn’t have gone to the wine bar.” HAHA. I love that he sits at home and dissects the anatomy of his dates, like a normal person with normal self-confidence worries.

He notes that he underestimated her as being too easy, and suddenly things have turned difficult.

The contestants of Couple Making meet with the producers to discuss upcoming outdoor dates — a picnic, hike, cruise, dinner — which will be assigned to them without advance notice.

Se-ri says that the women haven’t established clear personas yet, particularly Ae-jung. She suggests a pushy type of character for entertainment value, which Ae-jung accepts without offense. She offers to gamely give it a try, which surprises Se-ri since she meant it as a dig.

Ae-hwan suggests that Ae-jung angle for the hiking date, so she can ask Pil-joo to teach her how to ride a bike. Discovering a helium tank amid the props, they test it out and laugh over their squeaky voices. Pil-joo finds Ae-jung while she’s still under the influence, and she apologizes for her quick exit at the theater, then laughs at the dissonance of the serious topic and her voice.

Pil-joo joins in on the fun, and the contrast of his appearance and his high voice cracks her up. Just as she worries about side effects of the helium, he says more seriously (with Mickey Mouse voice), “I was very worried.” They have a slightly skewed conversation where she assumes he’s talking about the helium:

Ae-jung: “Right? If you have too much, you might get a headache.”
Pil-joo: “Yes. I worried that you’d be very hurt. I hope you won’t be. If something happens to hurt you, come to me. I’ll treat you.”
Ae-jung: “Yes. You seem like a really great doctor.”

Se-ri and the writer spy their friendliness, and the latter speculates that Ae-jung probably won’t get cut next, either.

Meanwhile, President Moon is still curious about Jin’s secret date, as Jae-seok has reported that he didn’t see her. Jae-seok tests the waters, asking what would happen if Jin dated a D-lister, and she replies that she’d have to send him to work overseas and stamp out the other party. She’d do it without his knowledge, since that’s her job as manager: “I can’t let him be ruined because of a loser celebrity.”

President Moon tries to pry details out of Jin, but he ain’t budging. She tells him she’s sending flowers and a cake to Se-ri’s shoot in his name, to commemorate the one-year anniversary of them going public with their so-called romance.

Jin perks up at mention of Couple Making and decides he’ll go in person, muttering about not being rejected (by Ae-jung).

At the shoot, Ae-jung is the big winner in the chicken battle — keeping your balance on one foot while holding the other — and the co-host comments that her energy recalls her KBSN days. Ae-jung corrects them — that back then, Se-ri was their chicken-battle winner. After one variety show appearance, they’d even shot a chicken CF because of it.

Aha, this is Ae-jung’s revenge! She knows Se-ri would like to keep that CF buried, but the show isn’t passing up its chance to dig up an old clip. Put on the spot, Se-ri laughs uncomfortably and grudgingly accepts when the co-host goads her into a chicken battle with Ae-jung. She throws in added incentive, though: If she loses, Ae-jung gets two dates. If she wins, Se-ri will go on Ae-jung’s date instead.

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